Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Arquest Diaper Studies = Free Diapers & $10 Check

You can get free diapers for your baby or babies and a $10 compensation upon completion of the survey. When we did it with Abe, we got about a week's worth of diapers, that I actually really liked!

I think right now they are doing a size four diaper study and gearing up for a size five study. You can always call and give them your information so they will call you when they do a study for the size your baby wears.

You can do the studies at least once for each diaper size per child, so right now I'm working on getting Rose in a study!
  • GIRLS: 1-888-342-7372 ext. 646 (Speak to “Georgia”)
  • BOYS: 1-888-342-7372 ext. 634 (Speak to “Chelia”)


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