Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 Tips for Healthy Smiles!

I recently took all three of my little ones to the dentist. It was NOT FUN, and I don't recommend taking a 2 year old, 16 month old, and 2 month old to the dentist on your own, but I did live to tell the tale. Anyway, having done it once I know I want to stay out of there as much as possible. Here is how I keep my kiddos teeth clean and heatlthy!

1. No fruit snacks and no juice! Both my pediatrician and pediatric dentist agreed that these were the worst foods for childrens' teeth!

2. A good milk intake ensures that your child is getting a good amount of calcium which is important for building healthy bones.

3. Brush twice a day, duh, right?

4. When we brush teeth with our kids we brush for them first, and then our children do it on their own. We make sure it gets done right and our kids get a good model, and then they get to try on their own. My little Rosebud loves brushing her teeth, sometimes it id a struggle to get the toothbrush back from her!

5. We are teaching our son to floss! That's right, you have to teach your kiddos to floss, it isn't something they just know how to do. My mom never taught me, so I never did it until I was an adult. I want my kids to start this habitual practice now so they always do it!

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1 comment:

  1. I just took Max to the dentist in Ankeny! He told me the same then and then he must have saw the look on my face because then he said only 4oz a day and only a one time. hehe. I asked him about fruit because Max it's a ton of fruit and he said that was okay, but maybe to avoid grapefruit.


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