Thursday, July 22, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In Week 4

In my frugal quest to use the wardrobe I already own instead of buy a new one in my temporary size, I am linking up with Marvelous Mommy and the Weekly Weigh-In.

Last Week's Weight = 165 lbs.
This Week's Weight = 164 lbs.
Total Weight Loss = 1 lb
This week I cut way down on the soda, and have a half of a two liter left which is going to be my last one! Even though I drink diet soda, taking that out of my diet will seriously cut down on my sodium intake, help with bloating, and force me to drink more water. All things that will help my weight loss and help me have a healthier life!


  1. YAY! On the pound. Keep up the good work! We just got a bunch of sodas when Farm Fresh was having a deal. We bought some and hubbys mom bought some. I told hubby when they are all gone we aren't buying anymore. So I hope to do the only water for 21 day challenge.

  2. Great job!!! Yes diet soda is the worst!

  3. Congratulations on the loss this week!

  4. woot woot!! congrats on the weight loss :)


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